White Tomb Graphics // livejournal backup's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
White Tomb Graphics // livejournal backup

we fled the world with smiles & clenching jaws
ooo - ooo - ooo - ooo - ooo - ooo
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Supernatural [71] [April 19th, 2010]

[64] still
[07] animated

This looks like a zombie pen, Sammy. )
0/ read or cmnt

Queer as Folk [58] [April 18th, 2010]

[53] still
[05] animated

It's pathetic. My screen name has more fun than I do.  )
0/ read or cmnt

Harry Potter [49] [April 18th, 2010]

[46] still
[03] animated

I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me. )
0/ read or cmnt

Good Omens [April 17th, 2010]

[13] text

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your own home. )
0/ read or cmnt

Firefly & Serenity [45 icons] [May 17th, 2008]

[01] animated
[44] still

Sure as I know anything, I know this: I aim to misbehave. )
0/ read or cmnt

Doctor Who & Torchwood [8] [May 17th, 2008]


Still, at least I won't get pregnant. Never doing that again! )
0/ read or cmnt

Charmed [62 icons] [May 14th, 2008]

[03] animated
[59] still

If a building was on fire would you save five strangers or one sibling? )
1/ read or cmnt

Buffy & Angel [58 icons] [May 14th, 2008]


There are three kinds of people that no one understands: geniuses, madmen and guys that mumble. )
0/ read or cmnt

Alias [45 icons] [May 14th, 2008]

[08] animated
[37] still

The only guy we have left is Sark and that's only because ... I did go visit him... twice... just to see a familiar face. We had eggs. )
0/ read or cmnt

Star Wars [74] [May 4th, 2008]

[70] still
[04] animated

The brightest stars cast the darkest shadows. )
0/ read or cmnt

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